Walking Classroom Series

Walking Classroom Series

Aoletu Study Series

Selecting high-quality educational resources from all states in Australia, relying on the group's decades of comprehensive and sophisticated resource integration in the industry, we provide high-quality affordable luxury and high-end tourism customized one-stop services to create the most thoughtful and characteristic study and further education products. . At the same time, we assist students with planning for studying in Australia, background improvement, interview guidance, and study abroad applications.

  • Walking Classroom Series

    - Parent-child education interactive series
    - Micro Study Abroad English Immersion Series
    - Famous school exchange and inspection series
    - Quanzhen Dynamic Classroom Experience Series
    - Boy Scout ecological training camp special theme expansion series

  • Walking Art Series

    - Art Ambassador Exchange Experience Series
    - International Young Artists Festival Young Artists Exchange music and art exchange series
    - Youth Media Culture Exchange Series
    - Youth film production and film and television training camp series

  • The series of "Integration of Knowledge and Action":

    - College student internship social practice and career planning exchange series
    - Vocational and Technical College Business, IT, Accounting, and Animation Design Professional Study Series
    - Customized health and cultural exchange study series
    - Vocational and technical college teacher training course series

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